My exhibit & press & Pictureنمونه از نما يشگاها
E- Mail.: gahzi1@yahoo.de تماس با ما I do not speak English. Please, e-mail only in German.
„ Biographie & بيوگراف
خدايا در برابر هرآنچه انسان ماندن را به تباهی ميکشاند مرا با ً نداشتن ً و ً نخواستن ً روين تن کن
, Rashid
Seif Ghazi عكس من در سا
ل 2015
feel like a saltwater fish in a freshwater aquarium”
Biographie“ „
بيوگرافی “
In 1985 I
came to Germany, and since then have tried to be open toward other people and to
learn to understand their culture and faith. I try to accept people for who they
are. For me it would be the most beautiful thing if there were a multi-cultural
society in which one could work and live in peace with one another. It is indeed
beautiful that there are different cultures, i.e. other skin colors, facial
features, hair colors and languages. It would be boring if everyone were to look
alike. That’s why I decided to dedicate my work to this topic. The impetus of
my pictures is love, nature and society. ( From 1976 until 1980 I studied painting
and beautiful arts at a college named Mirak in Teheran / Iran.
Master. with 4.0 GPA, and honor) Between 1989 and 1994, I
studied graphic design at the University for the Arts in Bremen, Germany,). (
from 1994 -1999 I studied Oldenburg at the university/ Germany and wrote my work over the center the Renaissance in
Italy.). ( In SS/ 2002- 2004 the CvO -
University of Oldenburg Germany I was working in the positon of a
professor in
Art and Media.)
I am happy there for the men: Prof.Fritz Dressler and Prof. Fritz Haase, Prof. Bernd Bexte, Prof.Hans Hansen, Prof.Wolfgang Schmitz, Prof.eckhard Jung, Prof.Schmidt at the College of the Arts Bremen, Germany to have learned.
Since 1976 I study painting at the School "Fine Arts Mirak" I feel lucky there with the ladies and gentlemen. Prof. Hannibal Alkhas, Professor Majid Mehregan, lecturer Azar Fahimi , lecturer A. vineyard, lecturer Parwiz Vastad Yzdpnah, lecturer Asddvlazadh - - lecturer Babayan, lecturer Mohammad Fanvschy, lecturer Moqbeli Abraham, lecturer Ms. Nasrin Chapar.
از سال ١٩٧٦ تحصیل نقاشی در مدرسه هنرهای زیبا ميراک من خودم را خوش شانس با خانم ها و آقایان پروفسورهانیبال الخاص، استاد مجيد مهرگان، استاد آذر فهیمی، استاد اردشير تاکستانی ، واستاد پرويز يزدپناه ، استاد اصددولازاده - استاد بابایان ، استاد محمد فانوسچی، استاد ابراهیم مقبلی ، استاد کاتوزیان و استاد خانم نسرین چاپار.
I am happy there for the ladies and gentlemen: Dozent Mr Shvt Babayan,Dozent Mr Mohammad Fasvngy, Dozent Mr Abraham Moqbeli, Dozent Mr Hannibal Alkhas, Dozent Mr Nosrtian,Dozent Mr Mhrgan Dozent Mrs Nasrin Chapary at the "Fine Arts Mirak / Tehran - IRAN - Oil painting, sculpture, plaster, miniature, illustration, typography, plaster, miniature, to have learned IRAN.
Linguistic proficiency.: I can design webpages ( Frontpage ) and I use these graphic programmes: Quark- Xpress, Freehand, Corel DRAW and Photoshop ,Desweiteren I work as a professional photographer, artist (painting), Sculptures, Cartoonist, Illustrator, Calligraphy is also one of my skills..
Linguistic proficiency.: I speak German, Persian (Farsi), Kurdish, Azarie, and Turkish.
ماهنامه ی ایرانی پیک ...آقای سیف قاضی که از سالهای متمادی در زمینه های آموزشی، هنری، فرهنگی و اجتماعی فعالیت دارد در مورد خود می گوید:
» در سال ۱٩۸۵ به آلمان آمدم و از همان زمان تلاش کردم با آغوشی باز به سوی مردمان دیگر بروم تا فرهنگ و باور آنان را بیاموزم. تلاشم بر این است که انسانها را به گونه ای که هستند بپذیرم. آرزویم برقراری اجتماعی چندفرهنگی است که در آن فرهنگهای گوناگون با صلح و آرامش در جوار یکدیگر به حیات خویش ادامه می دهند. چه خوب که انسانها متفاوتند، با آداب و رسوم و رنگ پوست و سیمای گوناگون.
هدف اصلی نقاشی هایم عشق، امید و طبیعت هستند...
(از سال 1976 تا سال 1980 من نقاشی و هنرهای زیبا در یک کالج به نام Mirak در تهران است.
۱٩۸٩ تا ۱٩٩۴ دوره ی طراحی(Grafikdesign) را دانشکده ی هنر شهر Bremen گذراندم. از سال ۱٩٩۴ تا ۱٩٩٩به تحصیلاتم در دانشگاه اولدنبورگ ادامه دادم و از سال ۲۰۰۲ تا ۲۰۰۴در همین دانشگاه به عنوان استاد Kunst & Medien مشغول به تدریس بودم. «
ماهنامه ی ایرانی پیک موفقیت فوق را به آقای سیف قاضی تبریک گفته و برای او تندرستی و موفقیت بیشتر در همه ی عرصه های زندگی آرزو دارد.
علاقمندان به نقاشی و طراحی در اولدنبورگ می توانند در کلاسهائی که به همین منظور هر دوشنبه از ساعت ۱۸ تا ۲۰ در محل مرکز فرهنگی
دیتریشسفلد به مدیریت آقای سیف قاضی تشکیل می شوند، شرکت نمایند.
Exhibition. I sold my
pictures to the support all the women who are victim and in need in the
"Third World".
and interview.I have made available two pictures with
1 TV
have donated money to
2200,00 Euro
and interview with
I enjoy my
work and support the UNICEF
campaign with my
pictures. "Stoppt
me were lent to thanks nicely by UNICEF a document. با
سازمان یو
نیسف کار می
have donated 1400,00
Euro to support
IRAN/BAM earthquick disaster, as an Iranian German auxiliary initiative
and interview
with ROJ
TV Brussels / Belgium: Painting and interview with
- 0.47
and interview. 2007:.Interview
with TV city of Oldenburg culture in Kennedy's quarter about painting .
and interview.2008.
: Reporter Mrs.
Katrin Wagener and I -
TV NWZ. Interview about art and on-line media
. minutesFor
the German child welfare association I have worked out a book without money with
men. z.b. Prof. Bernd Bexte and Prof. Fritz Haase of the college for arts Bremen
and also other artist of the college. (The subjects: " Things do " am
1993 Bremen Germany)
My document-
Voice of America
/ USA-7
of 388
to reach the goal,
تقد یر نا مه برندگان مسابقه نمايشگاه عکس زن ايرانی در جامعه
Only dead fish swimming with the Storm! therefore, attempt the time use because also the eternity exists of moments.
I enjoy my work and support the UNICEF campaign with my pictures. "Stoppt Kleinwaffen". Meine Urkunde von UNICEF
dream is freedom and peace for all people in our world
I am as quite other artists (e.g., Otto Dix, Salvador troubles Dali or Walter Benjamin, picasso, Charlie Chaplin and,) to give to my pictures "language". They should form a bridge between artist and viewer and be able to speak for themselves.
1. Martin Luther King ( 1929,, † 1968) He has dreamed of freedom through nonviolence and peace. As a result he was killed on the 4th April, 1968 in the USA.
2. Walter Benjamin (1892,, † 1940) is one of the most prominent figures in German literature and philosophy of the last century. While he was still alive he was an outsider. His death was tragic. He was a person whose impulses and groundbreaking view of the modern age continue to broaden horizons today. He oppposed the power of racism.
3. Otto Dix (1891,, † 1969) was a painter, draftsmen and graphic artist. His early pictures were against war and racism. He observed the war and saw that it was not good for humanity. I am such a realist that I must see everything with my own eyes to confirm that it is so. War is bad and cruel.. Today Otto Dix counts as one of the most significant German artists of the 20th century. He engaged in ambivalent realism that was explosive. Therefore, the racist Nazis burned all of his of his pictures.
4. Mahatma Gandhi (1869,, † 1948) Gandhi studied Law in England and became a lawyer in British South Africa where he fought for the equal rights of the Indians. Later, he experienced the humiliation and Zurücksetzung by the white on own body on a road journey. All people are Gaelic and peace for all people in our world. Therefore he died in India
5. Carl von Ossietzky (1889, † 1939)"" For his valuable journalistic contribution to the peace and for his fight against militarism and nationalism. He died in Germany.
6. Benazir Bhutto ( 21. Juni 1953 in Karatschi, Provinz Sindh; † 27. Dezember 2007)
Copyright © 2000 by Rashid Seif Ghazi.de
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