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Text in English:

شا خه گلي براي شما 

 " Art for Peace "

My new oil painting art.

2002- 2015

               Language / Sprache:.  




 Copyright © 2000 by Rashid Seif Ghazi.de دانلو نکنید


oil painting of Rashid Seif Ghazi fram Oldenburg

نمونه از کارهاي نفاشي من از رشيد سيف قاضی


I do not speak English. Please, e-mail  only in German


Picture Gallery 

Picture Gallery Please, click here  

برای ديدن عکس ها در اندازه واقعی روی آنها   کليک کنيد







میخواهم چشمهايم را ببندم و واقيعت زنگی را

نبينم ولی نمی شود

دوست دارام به شما نشان بدهم 

شايت نشان دادان نقاشی راه حلی باشد





برای ديدن عکس ها در اندازه واقعی روی آنها   کليک کنيد

Picture Gallery Please, click here  : My Early works oil painting 1980 bis 1996 Picture Gallery 


انگشتان باران دست به خاک می کشند انگشتان تو دست بر گونه های من  بي تو باران از خاک گل می رود بي لطف تو از من زندگی 

my style : Art for Peace

painter and Artist  .:  Rashid Seif Ghazi 

My new oil painting art 

The impetus of my pictures reflects my relationship with nature and society, my feelings, my resistance, and also protest against social injustice and suppression. The nude painting, for example, for me is one of the most honest approaches to the illustration of humans - uncovered and free like a newborn child from the external influences such as fanaticism, racism and prejudice. Humans stand centrally in front of the surreal background, while asking in unity with nature for tolerance and the ability of co-habitation. By choosing this motif, I reject that which fails to be accurately representative and surrender myself to the problems of society through realism. I give color special symbolic meaning, since they clarify nonverbal feelings: Rust stands for withering body from birth onward; the color red symbolizes the power within everyone. The unprotected life receives the blue colour which often mixes itself with the despair and hopelessness of the color yellow. I aspire, like other artists (e.g. petrol DIX, Salvador Dali or walter Benjamin and Picasso, etc.),  to give my pictures a "voice". They should form a bridge between artists and viewers, and be able to speak for themselves. Listed below, you can see that I was involved in several exhibitions between 1978 and 2003, dealing with different topics in the genres of painting, photography and sculpture.

Since 1976 I study painting at the School "Fine Arts Mirak" I feel lucky there with the ladies and gentlemen. Prof. Hannibal Alkhas, Professor Majid Mehregan, lecturer Azar Fahimi , lecturer A. vineyard, lecturer Parwiz Vastad Yzdpnah, lecturer Asddvlazadh - - lecturer Babayan, lecturer Mohammad Fanvschy, lecture Moqbeli Abraham, lecturer  Ms. Nasrin Chapar.

از سال ١٩٧٦ تحصیل نقاشی در مدرسه هنرهای زیبا ميراک من خودم را خوش شانس با خانم ها و آقایان پروفسورهانیبال الخاص، استاد مجيد مهرگان، استاد آذر فهیمی، استاد اردشير تاکستانی ، واستاد پرويز يزدپناه ، استاد اصددولازاده - استاد بابایان ، استاد محمد فانوسچی، استاد ابراهیم مقبلی ، استاد کاتوزیان و استاد خانم نسرین چاپار


 I studied graphic design at the University for the Arts in Bremen, Germany, from 1994 -1999 I studied Oldenburg at the university/ Germany and wrote my work over the center the Renaissance in Italy. In SS/ 2002 the CvO - university of Oldenburg  I  w as  working in the Positon of a  professor in ART and Media.

I am happy there for the men: Prof.Fritz Dressler and Prof. Fritz Haase, Prof. Bernd Bexte, Prof.Hans Hansen, Prof.Wolfgang Schmitz, Prof.Eckhard Jung, Prof.Wolfram Schmid at the College of the Arts Bremen, Germany to have learned.

Prof. Fritz Haase Prof. Fritz Dressler  Prof. Bernd Bexte  Prof.Eckhard Jung Prof. Hans Hansen Prof.Wolfgang Schmitz



من  استاد نفا شي در دانشگاه المان هستم در شهر اولد نبوگ

Presented from: Rashid Seif Ghazi


.  . Exhibition. I sold my pictures to the support all the women who are victim and in need in the "Third World". 

. Exhibition. Photo exhibition Voice of America TV in Maryland - university - Washington the USA on the subject "Women's day" 7 of 388 taking part have the aim ereicht, my photo was including. 03/09/2009- 04,14,20

برندگان مسابقه نمايشگاه عکس زن ايرانی در جامعه



Breaks about my exhibit , and press

نمونه از نما يشگاها  و کارهاي نفا شي م

My ( Master. with 4.0 GPA, and honor).1994-  Prof. Fritz Haase & Prof. Bernd Bexte & Prof. Fritz Dressler & Prof. Wolfram Schmid and me of the college for art Bremen by the opening dissertation. as a graphics design


Art for Peace

7.6.2015. Exhibition opening: Mayor Christian Pundt, Künstler Rashid Seif Ghazi and Culture commissioner Marianne Vieler-Bargfeldt 

people of today
A fascinating exhibition is currently on display in the town hall Kirchhatten. Under the title "I have nothing to say, just to show" Rashid Seif Ghazi shows oil paintings and human sculptures.
The native Iranian has convinced pacifist. "I am against violence and war. Through violence and war, international law is violated. Live and let live, "he says. The artist Rashid Seif Ghazi reflected against the relationship to nature, to society as well as his feelings and his opposition to social injustice and oppression in his pictures. You can see the exhibition during the opening times of the town hall


 عكس من و  شهردار شهر کلبرگ درالمان  در سا ل 2000 

2000:. mayor Joseph Voet  and his wife at the opening of the Cloppenburg/ Germany exhibit with my works. My Painting and  Scuiptures  "What the caterpillar sees as the end of the world, the butterfly is for the rest of the world." Rashid Seif Ghazi sells his pictures to support the fight against the suppression of women in the "Third World."


عكس من و استاد نفا شي در دانشگاه شهر برمن درالمان . نما يشگاه نفا شي  در دانشگاه اولد نبوگ  در سا ل 1997

1997:. Prof. Wolfram Schmid  at the opening of the Universität Oldenburg/ Germany exhibit with my works. My Painting and  Scuiptures   Rashid Seif Ghazi sells his pictures in favour of from children in the "Third World".


عكس من و شومن تلوز يو ن   ذ ا ت  1 در شهر  هامبوگ در المان  در سا ل 2001

2001:. Franklin" from Sat 1 Germany  TV at the opening of the Hamburg/Germany  exhibit with my works. Painting "1 - 0.15 minute I enjoy my work and support the UNICEF campaign with my pictures. "Stoppt Kleinwaffen".  I have supported the UNICEF campaign on the with my pictures. "Franklin" from Sat 1

عكس مصاحبه من و شومن تلوز يو ن   ذ ا ت  1 در شهر  هامبوگ درالمان  در سا ل  2001 در  زمینه   نفا شي و    هنر

گمک به گودکان بی سرپرست و انسانهای درمانده است٠ برای همین با سازمان، اونی جعف، کار می کنم و تابلوهای خودام را در اختیار انها می گذارام تا از فروش انها کمکی برای بچه ها با شد


عكس مصاحبه من  در تلوز يو ن در سا ل 2005 در  زمینه   نفا شي و  هنر  
2005:. from Roj TV  at the opening of the Bruxelles ( Belgium) exhibit with my works. Painting . 0.47  minute


I with my university students Oldenburg
من با دانشجویان من دانشگاه اولدنبورگ


عكس من و  شهردار شهر اولد نبوگ  درالمان  در سا ل 2003 

  chief mayor Dietmar Schütz  and My of the Oldenburg / Germany

2007:. Interview with TV city of Oldenburg culture in Kennedy's quarter about painting . Interview Video

2007: مصاحبه با شهر TV فرهنگ اولدنبورگ در سه ماهه کندی نقاشی. ویدیو مصاحبه


2008:. Reporter Mrs. Katrin Wagener and I - TV NWZ. Interview about art and on-line  media  

2008:. خبرنگار خانم کاترین Wagener و I - TV NWZ. مصاحبه در مورد هنر و رسانه ها در خط

My document- Voice of America TV- Washington the USA7 of 388 taking part have the aim ereicht, my photo was including. 03/09/2009-



05.15.06. : from at the opening of the Universität Oldenburg/Germany exhibit with my works. Painting " homanright "

5.15.06. : از در مراسم افتتاحیه از نمایشگاه دانشگاه اولدنبورگ / آلمان با آثار من است. نقاشی


Me and my art studio
من و استودیوی هنری من



16/01/2013 creativity by all the rules of art
Peter Ustinov school offers young people a great program in the afternoon. Interview about my courses in the Peter Ustinov school.
Seif Rashid Ghazi explains, Director of JSC "drawing and painting", at the Peter Ustinov school. Ghazi was 2002-2004 Lecturer for Art and Media at the University of Oldenburg

Link NWZ: http://www.nwzonline.de/oldenburg-kreis/bildung/kreativitaet-nach-allen-regeln-der-kunst_a_2,0,786256887.html


دانلو نکنید   - استفاده از کليه مطالب و عکس های اين سايت ممنوع می باشد

 Copyright © 2000 by Rashid Seif Ghazi.de