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Biographie& Karate yesterday and today زند گي نا مه و عكس
Prüfungsordnung Shotokan امتهان کاراته
Antonio Dionisio 7.Dan Landestrainer Kata- Karate Association Niedersachsen and me.23.9.2017
Martin Weber. Sportwart of karate- Karate Association Niedersachsen e.V. and me- 23.9.2017
Neele Hese -Landes Kata championship- Karate Association Niedersachsen e.V. and me- 23.9.2017
Sensei AHMAD SAFI and Sensei SAFI and me: Rashid Seif Ghazi ( 5.Dan Black )
AHMAD SAFI and Sensei Efthimios Karamitsos and Sensei Mahmoud Karkabadi and me:
Rashid Seif Ghazi
Twenty-second World Cup karate in Bremen /Germany; 9.11.2014
judges for a Karate Iranians. me: Rashid Seif Ghazi
IRAN first place World Cup karate.
Twenty-second World Cup karate in Bremen /Germany; 9.11.2014
Team Male Kumite – World Champions and me:
Rashid Seif Ghazi
Twenty-second World Cup karate in Bremen /Germany; 9.11.2014
World Cup in Germany;
Hamide Abas ali and me:
Rashid Seif Ghazi the Second Place in the World Cup Karate .Kai
- 8.11.2014
Bugur the Second Place in the World Cup Karate .Kumite
Twenty-second and me:
Rashid Seif Ghazi World Cup karate in Bremen /Germany; 9.11.2014
Mahsa Afsaneh, and me: Rashid Seif Ghazi celebrate with their the Bronze medal for the women's Kata.
Competition of the 22nd Karate World Championships at OVB-Arena on 9.11.2014 in Bremen, Germany
Rika Usami
Rashid Seif Ghazi of Japan first place World Cup karate kata.
Twenty-second World Cup karate in Bremen /Germany 9.11.2014
successful karateka of
the TV Cloppenburg proudly
present their certificates.10.07.2013
22 of the TV Cloppenburg
Cloppenburg karateka passed
after intense exercise their exams.
They won against the
strict eyes of the Examiner
Yüksek Umit Suleyman
Yildirim and
Rashid Seif Ghazi. Particularly
noteworthy here is the performance
of the duo Mother and daughter
Albina and Anabel
Karate Association of Niedersachsen / Germany (KVN) Dieter Mansky. 8 Dan and me
World Cup in Cloppenburg. Saturday 20 April 2013
in Cloppenburg. Saturday 20 April
Debbie Paterok 4
DAN Karate-Do
and me
Helmut spitznagel 6.Dan and me in TURA Bremen.e.V-22.10.2011
course Sound Karate
Claudia 1.Dan and ? and Aleandra 2. Kuy and Petra 2.Kuy and me in TURA Bremen.e.V-22.10.2011
TURA Bremen.e.V-22.10.2011- course Sound Karate
Mr.Sensei AHMAD SAFI 6.Dan Chief Instructor IRAN The World Shotokan Karate Do Federation W.S.K.F and
Mrs. Parisa Goodarzi 4. Dan National Team Shotokan Karate Do IRAN and Me, Rashid Seif Ghazi
Mr. Sensei AHMAD SAFI 6.Dan Chief Instructor IRAN The World Shotokan Karate Do Federation W.S.K.F and
Mr.Ehsan Ahmahii 2. Dan Shotokan Karate Do IRAN and Me, Rashid Seif Ghazi
Mr.Sensei Alireza Nabipour 6.Dan and Mohammad loo 4.Dan and Me, Rashid Seif Ghazi .
I have taken part in the course 01.02.2008 with 1-st karate Dojo and guided the course intensively. The ايران
champion in the 2003 in (Mohammad Loo ) Hassan 4.Dan and Me, Rashid Seif Ghazi
Mr. Hassan champion 1 - Asien 2003 and champion 3 Plaz of the national Belgien.
I have taken part in the course 08.02.2008 with 1-st karate Dojo and guided the course intensively. The ايران
Herr Hossein champion in Kick Boxing in ( IRAN- Tehran) und and Me, Rashid Seif Ghazi- 08.02.2008
Mrs. Claudia Kaufmann عكس من و دانش آموز کاراته من د ختري که در مسابقات قهرماني كاراته, قهرما ن دنيا شده در سا ل 2008
Claudia Kaufmann 1. Kyu and I` Rashid seif Ghazi 4. Dan Karate Shotokan. on 03/09/2008
press :.newspaper Norden. Oldenburg /Germany عكس من و ريس فدر ا سيو ن کاراته المان در روز نامه .26.10.2007
I have participated in the seminar on 27.10.2006 Shotokan and directed this intense course. North / Germany
Video .: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUlRjqARp4Y
press :.newspaper Norden. Oldenburg /Germany عكس من و ريس فدر ا سيو ن کاراته المان در روز نامه .07.10.2006
I have participated in the seminar on 07.10.2006 Shotokan and directed this intense course. North / Germany
Video .: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yf359ak9wh4
Left Mr.Tim Gerdesand right Me / Rashid Seif Ghazi. my Dojo. Wardenburg/ Germany 2001
Left studied and right Me, Rashid Seif Ghazi. Judoclub Achtermeer e.V. 1996. Oldenburg/ Germany
right sensei Efthimios Karamitsos 6. Dan of the coaches of the national team and Left Me,Rashid Seif Ghazi (course 21.2.2004 with Bodo-Dojo Rastede / Germany )
عكس من و ريس مسابقات قهرماني كاراته المان در سا ل 2004.2.21 DKV
Left sensei Jens Fricke 5.Dan and right Me, Rashid Seif Ghazi :( 02.24.2006 in Bermen bei Dojo ipug (IMAF) Germany
عكس من و ريس ي.م.ا.ف کاراته المان در سا ل 02.24.2006 IMAF
Mr Sensei AHMAD SAFI 6.Dan Chief Instructor IRAN The World Shotokan Karate Do Federation W.S.K.F and Me, Rashid Seif Ghazi
I have got the Golden medallion and Cup CERTIFICATE :( Second International Tournament IRAN Zamin Azad University Cup) for karate from Mr. Sensei AHMAD SAFI 6.Dan عكس من و استاد احمد صافي
مركز سلامتي ايرانيان W.S.K.F مركز آموزش W.S.K.F استاد احمد صافي نماينده رسمي فدراسيون جهاني شوتو كان كاراته در ايران مي باشد. كه در حال حاضر همه روزه براي سنين مختلف آموزش كاراته را بصورت اصواي تحت نظارت استاد احمد صافي ارائه مي نمائيد
right: Mr. Saidy and I Rashid Seif Ghazi and Mr. Ali Reza national of the coaches of the national team 6. Dan and
Sensei Majid Rajaei 9. Dan Karate Razmavaran / IRAN. Mr.(?) and Mr. Aflatun von Iranischen karate team - course. Place.: Emden Germany 15/12/2007
استاد مجيد رجـــائی ريس كاراته ر زم اور ن فدراسيون جهاني در ايران مي باشد
right sensei Cees van der Wal 6 Dan Shotokan Karate Holland and Left and Me, Rashid Seif Ghazi :
(Europale Course 09.24.2006 in Emden/ Germany. ipug (2. IMAF) .
right sensei Florian Dau - coach of the national team and foundation member edge Left and Me, Rashid Seif Ghazi :
(Europale Course 09.24.2006 in Emden/ Germany. ipug (2. IMAF) .
right sensei Ali Reza Nabiqour 6. Dan of the coaches of the national team and national team in the Iranian karate and Me,Rashid Seif Ghazi
Emden/Germany a IMAF World Open Championship 5.25.2007
Acourse 02.24.2006 in Bermen bei Dojo ipug (IMAF) Germany Mrs. Conny Paschke 2.Dan & Vicky Schwarz 1. Kyu & Mrs.Claudia Kaufmann 1. Kyu and Mr. Jens Fricke 5 Dan and Rashid Seif Ghazi 4. Dan & Wolfgang Hermann 1. Dan & Jörg Sonnenberg and Michael Weber 1. Kyu . Germany
Mr. Sensei Gerold La Grange 4. Dan and Mr, Rashid Seif Ghazi. Sensei Siegfried Hartl 4.Dan and Me .( course 1.2.2003 bei Bodo- Dojo Rastede e.V./ Germany.
Course 20-10-2001 Uni Oldenburg/ Germany. :Mrs. Mansouri 4.Dan and Me,Rashid Seif Ghazi
Mrs. Simone Schreiner 3.Dan and Mr. Sensei Gerold La Grange 4. Dan and Me, Rashid Seif Ghazi( Course 1995 bei Bodo- Dojo Rastede e.V. Germany.
Emden/Germany a IMAF World Open Championship 5.25. 2007- Mrs. Claudia Kaufmann & Mrs.Denise Linke and Me, Rashid Seif Ghazi
Left. Rashid Seif Ghazi 4. Dan Karate and Mr. Edzard Schröder 2.Dan bei Judoclub Achtermeer e.V. 1995 Oldenburg / Germany.
in 2001 I have smashed, Rashid Soaping Ghazi, with " fit and fun " in Wardenburg / Germany seven lying on top of each other stone records with a fist push.
documentation and Video.. youtube : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7t054femwhE&translated=1
My philosophy in karate is this:
The goal is that you keep yourself under control and that you don’t look for trouble. Karate is thus a path to self control and acceptance; boasting should be avoided. Although very difficult, that is the way of karate.
slogan: 1..
Be decisive. 2. Be faithful. 3.
Be industrious. 4. Respect others. 5.
Avoid unnecessary force.
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