Copyright © 2000 by Rashid Seif
Fath Ali Shah Qajar KING - IRAN
Malek Ghaassemi - Qajar (Kadjar)
( The 24 th Son Begom Khanoum, daughter of Emam Qoli Khan Afshar) Malek Qassem Mirza ((b. 1222--d.?), brother of Malek Mansour Mirza.
تاريخي ايران سلسله
Royal Family ( 1794- 1925 ) KING
----------------------------------------------------Fath Ali Shah Qajar-------------------------------------------------
Fath Ali Shah KING
- Persia
Fath Ali Shah KING - IRAN (1772-1834) referred to in his youth as Baba Khan, was the son of Hossein Qoli Khan, Agha Mohammad Khan's younger brother. Fath Ali Shah is the second shah of the Qajar (Kadjar) dynasty, but in a sense its real founder, literally. He fathered over a hundred children during his reign, and had a harem of several hundred wives. As his uncle and first shah of the dynasty, Agha Mohammad Khan, was unable to father any children of his own due to a mutilation he had suffered at the hands of his enemies during his long captivity, Fath Ali Shah took the task of creating a family of heirs and supporters of the throne to be a matter of state. Not unlike those of other prodigiously fecund royal parents in Europe and elsewhere, the births of royal children where indeed matters of state and often matters concerning the viability of state. He was the first of the Qajar shahs to create a court life of opulence and glamour. His reign is remembered for his attempts at court building and empire maintenance. He was not as succesful at the latter. He suffered the loss of the northern provinces to Russia, despite the galant efforts of his son and crown prince, Abbas Mirza, to avoid that catastrophy. He died a year after Abbas Mirza, in 1834.
Fat′h Ali Shah Qajar (var. Fathalishah, Fathali Shah, Fath Ali Shah) (Persian: فتح على شاه قاجار) (5 September 1772 – 23 October 1834) was the second Qajar king of Persia.
1. Fath Ali Shah Qajar KING - Persia --Son,-->
2. Prince Malek Qassem Mirza <--Son,-->
3. Prince Emam Gulie mirsa Malek Ghassemi <--daughter,-->
4. Princess Hatschie Schasde Fahroch Lea Malek Ghassemi .<--Son,-->
5. Mohammad Ali Seif Ghazi <--Son,-->,
6. Rashid Seif Ghazi
-----------------------------------------------Malek Qassem Mirza-------------------------------------------------------------
His son: The 24 th Son Begom Khanoum, daughter of Emam Qoli Khan Afshar)
Malek Qassem Mirza ((b. 1820 --d.?) brother of Malek Mansour Mirza.), Fath Ali Shah’s eldest son
Malek Qassem Mirza ((b. 1820--d.?), brother of Malek Mansour Mirza.)- Qajar
His sons: (*)The 5 th Son . : Prince Emam Gulie mirsa Malek Ghasemi ( b.1864--d. 1927 )
------------------------------------Prinz Emam Gulie mirsa Malek Ghassemi. ( Nur )--------------------------------------------
Qajar -
My great Grandfather. Prinz Emam Gulie mirsa Malek Ghassemi. ( Nur ) (b.1864--d. 1927?? in Tabriz )
Information über Emam Gulie mirsa Malek Ghaassemi Familie.:( Qajar) Mr. Manucher Malek Ghasemi son from Mr. prince Emam Gulie mirsa Malek Ghasemi in the 2004 / in Tabriz / IRAN a book about his family Written. The book calls stone tree of Malek Qassem Mirza family.
-------------------------------------Mozaffar-ed-Din shah's and Cousin Emam Gulie mirsa Malek Ghassemi. and Mohammad Ali Shah-------------------------
Prinz Emam Gulie mirsa Malek Ghassemi. and Cousin Mozaffar-ed-Din shah's and Mohammad Ali Shah, (1907-1909)
---------------------------------------Emam Gulie mirsa Malek Ghassemi---------------------------------------------
Children : Prinz Emam Gulie mirsa Malek Ghassemi
1.His sons: (*)1 Prinz Parwis mirsa Malek Ghassemi
2.His daughter: Princess Hatschie Schasde Fahroch Lea Malek Ghassemi .
My Grandmother. Princess Hatschie Schasde Fahroch Lea Malek Ghassemi .( born.1914 -† 1987 in Tabriz )
( 1933 wedding ) My Grandmother and My Grandfather . wedding : Princess Hatschie Schasde Fahroch Lea Malek Ghassemi Merit Minister General Mohammad Hassan Seif Ghazi.(1904-† 1947 ) وزير جنگ سيف قاضی
واقعه تاريخي و مهم دوم بهمن 1324 خورشيدي.استقرار جمهوري كردستان.
On 22 January, 1946, in the city Mahabad in Iranian Kurdistan, the Kurdish Republic of Mahabad was proclaimed
Information .: family Seif Ghazi.: http.//www.am1946 Kurdistan .de
Seif Ghazi family and Children : 4. sons and 2.daughter
sons: (*)
1.( Fahtah Seif Ghazi born 11 .9. 1936- -† 28.10.2005 in Mahabad / IRAN )
2. ( Mohammad Reza Seif Ghazi born 24.3.1938 --† 1954 in Mahabad / IRAN )
3.( Mohammad Ali Seif Ghazi born 31.5.1940 in Mahabad / IRAN )
daughter :
4.( Malos Seif Ghazi born in Tabriz / IRAN )
sons: (*)
5.( Mahmod Seif Ghazi born 31.5.1947 in Tabriz / IRAN )
daughter :
6.( Faige Seif Ghazi born in Tabriz / IRAN )
1.( Fahtah Seif Ghazi born 11 .9. 1936- -† 28.10.2005 in Mahabad / IRAN )
2. ( Mohammad Reza Seif Ghazi born 24.3.1938 --† 1954 in Mahabad / IRAN )
3.( Mohammad Ali Seif Ghazi born 31.5.1940 in Mahabad / IRAN )
4.( Mahmod Seif Ghazi born 31.5.1947 in Tabriz / IRAN )
------------------------------------------------Mohammad Ali Seif Ghazi---------------------------------------------
Mohammad Ali Seif Ghazi born 31.5.1940 in Mahabad / IRAN )
--------------------------------------------Mohamad Ali Seif Ghazi and Narmin Chappari--------------------------
( 1958 wedding ) My Father and mother :.Mohamad Ali Seif Ghazi and Narmin Chappari
Seif Ghazi family and Children : 1 sons and 2.daughter :
His son:
1.Rashid Seif Ghazi
His daughter :
1.Nashmil Seif Ghazi
2. Ronak Seif Ghazi
my family. Mohamad Ali Seif Ghazi and Narmin Chappari and Rashid
-----------------------------------------------Rashid Seif Ghazi-----------------------------------
Rashid Seif Ghazi- عكس من - رشيد سيف قاضی
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mail: I not speech English. Please, e-mail on Germany
" Die einzige kurdisch Republik Mahabad " http.//www.am1946 Kurdistan .de
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